Have you ever wondered why your efforts at treating your fibromyalgia have failed so miserably?
Infuriating isn't it?
The degree of your frustration can be too hard to express in words.
And those expensive drugs... they just aren't cutting it.
Your aches and exhaustion are flu like.
You've experienced pain as if you were hit by a car.
Shooting pains, burning, deep aches!
Mind numbing pain.
And the fatigue...nothing robs you of your quality of life like persistent fatigue.
Sometimes your body is so stiff that you can't get out of bed in the morning.
Activities that others take for granted, like climbing a flight of stairs, or putting on a shirt, are almost unbearable for you.
You cringe just thinking about cold damp weather.
There are days when you get a pain reprieve , only to have your fibromyalgia symptoms come roaring back at night.
As a fibromyalgia sufferer you may have up to two hundred agonizing symptoms to manage.
How is that even possible with drugs?
What you need is comprehensive fibromyalgia symptoms relief, not some expensive rehashed drug that yields poor results and terrible side effects.
Life is exhausting you, and that's no way to live.
You've had enough!
Fibromyalgia has taken a part of you and you want to reclaim your life.
The question is how do you turn the tables on your fibromyalgia?
What is it that you can do that you have not done before that can help you overcome your fibromyalgia?
Well, this may surprise you but you can energize and boost your health with structured life energy.
Hello, and
welcome to Dynamic Zen
Treatment For Fibromyalgia | Health And Wellness
Here you will discover a new non local treatment for fibromyalgia that will surprise you with it's ease of application and effectiveness.
A life energy (chi energy) formula structured with fibromyalgia fighting energy signatures that will alleviate your fibromyalgia pain, fatigue, and depression.
It's important to remember that the definition of health goes beyond the absence of disease.
Health can also be defined as managing a chronic disease successfully.
With fibromyalgia you goal is to minimize your fibromyalgia pain, fatigue, and flares.
As a fibromyalgia sufferer you want to become as healthy as possible, able to utilize all available resources to live your life on your own terms.
And it's the goal of Dynamic Zen Treatment For Fibromyalgia | Health And Wellness
to help get you there.
It may have taken you years to get a proper fibromyalgia diagnosis.
However that diagnosis may have overlooked the common thread that runs through all chronic and invisible illness including your fibromyalgia.
That common thread is low cellular energy caused by subtle energy blockages and a severe life force energy deficit.
Treating fibromyalgia is a major challenge made more difficult if you limit your thinking to just your physical body.
Effective treatment for fibromyalgia and related conditions require something beyond the limited scope of traditional medicine's focus on the physical body.
From a holistic perspective humans are not merely mechanistic, but are conceived of as multidimensional
You consist of a physical body endued with soul and consciousness.
The fact that you are body, soul, and spirit is generally accepted worldwide, even here in the West.
Yet when you become ill, medicine focuses only on treating your physical body often by suppressing your symptoms..
The dynamic component of your very existence, your energy body, is ignored.
It is your energy body that absorbs life energy (chi energy) and distributes it throughout your physical body.
This life force distribution is handled by your meridians or energetic pathways, and your power centers or chakras.
From an energetic perspective your fibromyalgia is caused by depleted life force energy and blockages in your energy body; specifically your meridians and chakras.
Your cellular energy has a direct relationship to your subtle energy or life force.
But what is “life force?”
Life force is life energy.
It is that vital power that animates the entire Universe.
And all beings, and each individual.
The life energy that fuels your body has various names throughout many cultures including prana, chi energy, qi, mana, vital energy, life force, subtle energy, life energy, and scalar energy.
For as long as societies have existed, each culture has had their own unique way of describing this subtle energy.
The salient issue here is that once your life energy is depleted the other components of your energy body will have little to work with.
And a depleted life force spells chronic fatigue...and that's just the beginning.
The components of your energy body are your chakras, meridians, and the life force energy that should be flowing through them.
Most people have a limited knowledge of the chakras, however few know anything of their importance for health and wellness.
Your chakras are your power centers.
Your power centers are always working for you.
They are your subtle energy regulators.
Your power centers take in energy, and distribute energy to your environment.
The problem is that your chakras require maintenance.
They tire and overload easily...especially when you are ill.
And that is a big problem because your power centers act as the switchboard for your entire body.
Simply put, if your chrakras are out of balance you are out of balance.
The persistent fatigue that usually is associated with fibromyalgia is chrakra related.
Do some maintenance on your chrakras and notice how much better you'll feel almost immediately.
Meridians are comparable to the wiring of your car or home.
Electric wires bring electricity to all the gadgets and instruments in your car.
Without electricity you can't start your car.
Your lights, heater, and air conditioner won’t work.
It's the same with your physical body.
Over time a severe life energy deficit will cause you relentless pain
and persistent
fatigue as we see with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers.
As a Fibromyalgia sufferer you must find an effective means to enhance your life energy or your life may be put on hold.
Here at Dynamic Zen Treatment for Fibromyalgia | Health And Wellness we feel that the most effective treatment for fibromyalgia is our fibromyalgia life energy formula because fibromyalgia, and all chronic illness first appear as energetic disruptions in your energy body before manifesting as physical symptoms.
Continuing with our electrical analogy, electric wires can last a long time until the become damaged in some way.
It's the same with your body's meridians.
Delicate connective
tissue (fascia) envelops all of your
body structures, including your blood vessels and
These fascia vary in consistency.
With physical trauma or illness, the fascia can loose their elasticity and resilience.
As a result, all your bodily structures, including your cells, become restricted.
This causes restricted movement, stiff joints, poor circulation, and nerve conduction.
Again, all of this results from impaired and diminished life force energy which causes low cellular energy.
Fibromyalgia is one of several possible outcomes.
Fibromyalgia pain is the number one fibromyalgia symptom.
But from where does this pain originate?
As we've discussed, your biofield (energy body), can be divided into three components.
What can go wrong?
Energetic blockages and life energy deficit.
Meridian and chakra blockages will disrupt your life force flow and eventually cause you pain and fatigue.
Eventually these blockages will lead to many physical symptoms.
This is why Eastern cultures have developed energy healing methodologies to address subtle energy flow throughout the human body.
They developed tai chi, yoga, and acupuncture to deal with these energy issues while we in Western World tend to ignore subtle energy issues.
We focus is physical symptoms and medicating them with drugs and their eventual side effects.
With a life energy deficit you'll have low cellular energy and relentless pain and fatigue.
Now pay close attention because this is very important.
Most energy healing methodologies focus on removing blockages to improve life energy flow.
That's fine...and for some fibromyalgia sufferers improving life energy flow is enough.
One study showed that 12 weeks of tai chi, the slow-motion Chinese martial art, relieved longstanding fibromyalgia symptoms and improved quality of life in a clinical trial.
Note that the chi in the word tai chi means life force or life energy.
In Chinese medicine, great emphasis is placed on the well-being of an individual based upon the flow of chi energy (life energy).
Any area where chi energy is blocked, or not flowing well, can lead to symptoms of illness.
But what can tai do for you when when you have very little life energy to work with?
Note that there were participants in the aforementioned study who saw no benefits with tai chi.
What distinguishes Dynamic Zen Treatment For Fibromyalgia | Health And Wellness
from any other treatment for Fibromyalgia is our focus on your energy body and life energy enhancement.
This is because your life energy can't flow if you don't have much to begin with.
This is the situation for most fibromyalgia and all chronic fatigue syndrome patients.
And the same theme runs through most chronic illness.
It's also the reason why acupuncture which frees subtle energy blockages,, though still useful, is not as effective as it used to be a several decades ago.
Since life energy interpenetrates your
entire being and circulates through your blood, a life energy deficit robs all your organs and cells of their intrinsic vitality.
And the pain...
Instead of thriving on life energy, you barely exist on adrenal energy.
Your energy body has suffered a
complete breakdown at the energetic level.
When fibromyalgia is viewed from an energetic perspective, the correct treatment options become much clearer.
As a fibromyalgia sufferer you need some form of life energy enhancement to alleviate your fibromyalgia symptoms...especially your pain.
And not just any generic life energy enhancement, but one that fully utilizes the potential of life energy to communicate specific healing instructions to your body.
removal of your energy blockages
enhancement of your life energy
alleviation of your fibromyalgia pain, fatigue, and symptoms
As a fibromyalgia patient you need frequent if not daily life energy enhancement.
Sure, other energy healing modalities can help.
However, it should be noted that a few energy healing sessions a month won't do you much good in the long run.
The question that begs asking is how in the
world do you get the life energy enhancement you need
on a daily basis without
obliterating your bank account?
Well, that's what Dynamic Zen Treatment For Fibromyalgia | Health And Wellness is all about.
Dynamic Zen Treatment For Fibromyalgia | Health And Wellness offers you a simple inexpensive means of optimizing your energy body and alleviating your fibromyalgia symptoms, especially your fibromyalgia pain.
Consider the location of your fibromyalgia tender points.
Now, if you have ever had acupuncture compare your acupoints to your tender points.
Note that fibromyalgia tender
points are actually acupoints on the
lung, small intestine,
gallbladder, bladder, stomach, spleen,
and triple warmermeridians.
When your vital energy is stuck or diminished, you will feel pain or tenderness in your acupoints.
In order to successfully treat your fibromyalgia you'll have to find a way adequately address your meridians.
Your meridians distribute
your life energy.
How can they do that if your life energy is so low that you can barely function as a human being.
Low life energy is the source of your fatigue.
Many fibromyalgia sufferers say their fatigue is worse than their pain because it stops all activity.
Life energy deficit
explains why meridian focused
energy therapies, such as
acupuncture, Yoga, and Tai Chi, only
work for
a fraction
of fibromyalgia sufferers.
Let's be clear on this point.
As a fibromyalgia sufferer your energetic issues are life energy depletion and subtle energy blockages which cause low cellular energy.
How can you do that without going broke?
As destiny would have it you've arrived at the right place at the right time.
Because here you will discover a new non local life energy treatment for fibromyalgia that may shock you with it's ease of application and effectiveness.
Look, I know you never dreamed that you would be so chronically ill.
Instead of enjoying your life, you suffer through it daily.
But now all of that is about to change.
You are about to reclaim your life from fibromyalgia.
That's If you will allow change to occur.
Because for change to occur you're going to have to try something new.
And that something new is the Dynamic Zen Fibromyalgia Card.
Right now there is no cure for fibromyalgia.
However that does not mean that you cannot improve your condition.
Your goal as a fibromyalgia sufferer is to get effective relief for your fibromyalgia pain and myriad symptoms.
What you should know by now is that drugs cannot give you the relief you want.
And what's even worse is that drug side effects can exacerbate your suffering in the long run.
As a fibromyalgia sufferer you have to be wondering just what in the world you can do to improve your health.
Now let me ask you a few questions.
Do you feel that you've tried everything to treat your fibromyalgia?
Have you considered any form of natural fibromyalgia treatment?
How about energy healing?
Many fibromyalgia sufferers have used some form of energy healing with varying degrees of success.
Some fibromyalgia sufferers have had good success alleviating their fibromyalgia symptoms with with energy healing modalities such as Tai Chi or Yoga.
However few realize the effectiveness of a structured fibromyalgia life energy enhancement.
Life energy is indispensable for your very survival.
It is the most dynamic component of your bio field.
Life energy is more vital to you that the air you breathe.
And nothing could be more natural.
Look at it this way.
If for some reason you were denied food you could possibly survive for several weeks.
Take away your water and your survival time will be cut to a few days.
Take away your air and you will have just a few minutes to live.
Take away your life energy (your life force) and you will instantly cease to exist on this earth plane.
Life energy is the foundation of your body.
As your life energy wanes as it does with the passage of time, stress, illness, and various environmental factors, so does your quality of life.
Now let me ask you a question.
What drug can you take to address your life energy deficit?
It's worth noting that nine million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia of which 90% are women.
And while fibromyalgia symptoms vary, All fibromyalgia sufferers have one thing in common.
Their foundation for health and wellness, their life energy, is severely depleted and blocked.
And in some cases nearly exhausted.
Some now realize that energy healing is the best medicine for fibromyalgia.
However, if you're like many fibromyalgia sufferers your life energy deficit is too severe for most energy healing modalities to be effective.
And you probably don't have the mobility for Tai Chi or Yoga.
And who wants to wait twelve weeks for results if you don't have to?
You need effective energy healing that is simple to implement, affordable, and effective.
And that is exactly what Dynamic Zen Treatment For Fibromyalgia | Health And Wellness is offering you.
You see the shocking truth about treating your fibromyalgia is that fibromyalgia is more about life energy than you may have ever realized.
And what may be even more shocking is that you can now benefit from an enhanced life energy treatment for fibromyalgia no matter where you are.
A life energy treatment that will tune your energy body, your chrakras and meridians, and provide you with an array of fibromyalgia fighting energetic signatures.
And the Dynamic Zen Fibromyalgia Card
makes this a reality.